HomeFor Exhibitors01.Items can be displayed02.Advantages of Exhibition03.Exhibition Area04.Type of Booth05.Application06.Steps for Application

For Exhibitors

An exceptional four-day coffee gathering, offering optimal business opportunities

Exhibiting at SCAJ, renowned for its exceptional standing in the industry, promises to elevate your brand presence and facilitate outstanding PR and fruitful business negotiations.

01.Items can be displayed

In addition to coffee beans and related products, we welcome all offerings that contribute to the promotion and advancement of specialty coffee awareness, as well as the development of the coffee industry as a whole.

  • Coffee beans (green & roasted),coffee beverages
  • Coffee roasters, grinders, coffee makers and other related equipment
  • Kettles, scales, and other related accessories
  • Water purifiers, cooking equipment, kitchen supplies, containers and packaging
  • Flavored syrups, confectionary and other food
  • Milk, plant milk, tea, juice, smoothies, and other beverages
  • Café Décor, e-commerce, related services, publishing publications, etc.

*For products or services are not listed above, feel free to sent us an inquiry.

02.Advantages of Exhibition


This is the 20th B to B exhibition featuring specialty coffee.We are proud of the large number of exhibitors and visitors from around the world attending our event. Here, you have the best show case for your products and services, which helps you raise your company's recognition up to a different level.


Wide range of businesses and industries are involved. You can find not only coffee bean producers, roasters, café owners and companies provide coffee-related equipment, but also other food businesses, hotels and apparel industries and more! Producers, retailers and wholesalers are all covered. You will find yourself best opportunities for your business negotiations with a high closing rate.


In the venue, various events featuring celebrities and famous people in the field, as well as several coffee competitions offering a chance to participate in the World Championships. The event attracts a lot of attention from not only coffee experts and coffee lovers, but also the media.

[2025 Scheduled Competitions]

  • Japan Barista Championship(JBC)
  • Japan Brewers Cup(JBrC)
  • Japan Hand Drip Championship(JHDC)
  • Japan Siphonist Championship(JSC)
  • World Siphonist Championship (WSC)
  • Japan Cup Tasters Championship(JCTC)
  • Roast Masters Team Session(RMTS)


All coffee experts and lovers are here to share, to show and to create exclusive values, experiences and encounters that can only be found here. Both exhibitors and visitors are highly satisfied and more than three fourths showed their high interests incoming back to the event.

03.Exhibition Area

Area1 [South Hall 1-2]

Weekday three days, area focusing business customers

The exhibition at South Hall 1 & 2 will take place from September 24th to 26th, during weekdays.This area is recommended for exhibitors targeting bussiness clients.

Area2 [South Hall 3-4]

Four days including Saturday, area focusing general consumer

The exhibition at South Hall 3 & 4 will span four days, from September 24th to 27th. This area is recommended for exhibitors targeting general customers, as Coffee Village, designed for small/individual businesses, and event stage will be located here.

*The periods of each hall is subject to partial change.

04.Type of Booth

Standard Booth

1-3 units (with package)

3m x 3m = 9 sqm per 1 unit
JPY 374,000 (tax inc.)
JPY 418,000 (tax inc.)

Standard Booth

More than 4 units (space only)

3m x 3m = 9 sqm per 1 unit
JPY 374,000 (tax inc.)
JPY 418,000 (tax inc.)

Semi-standard Booth

1-3 units (with package)

3m x 2m = 6 sqm per 1 unit
JPY 220,000 (tax inc.)
JPY 275,000 (tax inc.)

Download Exhibitors and Sponsors Guide

For more information on exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities, please download the PDF below.



Be sure to carefully read the "Exhibitors and Sponsors Guide (PDF)" above and agree to all "Exhibition Terms and Conditions" below before applying.


1) Compliance

Companies, organizations, and other parties involved in this event in the form of exhibiting commodities and services, conducting seminars, etc. (hereinafter “Exhibitors”) must abide by all Terms and Conditions below and other policies and rules presented bySCAJ Conference Office (hereinafter “the Organizer”).

Any breach of the agreement will cause you lose the privileges and rights to exhibit. In the event that an Exhibitor or its associated party gets involved in any action that would cause public nuisance or violate public order and morals, the Organizer shall not hold any liability for or reimburse the Exhibitor for any loss or damage caused. Additionally, theExhibitor shall bare the compensation, if the Organizer suffers damage from such behavior.

2) Application

To participate, visit SCAJ Conference official website (https://scajconference.jp/en/) for application and follow the instructions.

Once the application gets confirmed and approved, the invoice will be issued and sent to the registered email/mailing address. The application process is completed upon the completion of the payment.

The Organizer hold the right to examine products and services registered for exhibition and to reject an Exhibitor’s participation if the Organizer considers that the registered contents do not match to the purpose of the Exhibition.

> Application deadlines
- Early bird : Tuesday, April 15, 2025 (SCAJ members and domestic exhibitors only)
- General : Thursday, May 15, 2025
3) Registered exhibitor’s name
Make sure to provide the correct official company/organization name, which will be on event official website, announcements, advertisements, brochures, flyers and related event social media.

4) Joint displays

As a general rule, one booth one Exhibitor.However, one booth can be shared by joint exhibitors under the following conditions.

(1) Affiliated companies, groups, parties
(2) Parent and subsidiary companies
(3) Joint ventures

In the case of joint exhibition, a designated representative serves as the main contact and handling all the payments occurred is required.

5) Expenses covered in the exhibition fee

(1) Venue prep, booth rental and lighting and air-conditioning usage
(2) Booth plan with package: installation of panels, lights, outlets, etc. (varies depending on booth plan)
(3) Construction and maintenance for shared facilities
(4) Promotion for the exhibition as a whole.
(5) Expenses associated with running the event, including but not limited to, planning, coordinating, administration, safety management, on-site security, etc.

> Expenses not covered n the exhibition fee
(1) Customized booth decorations, transportation and operation occurred by individual exhibitor
(2) Additional electrical work and electricity
(3) Water supply and drainage construction, and water usage
(4) After-hours venue usage
(5) Other individual expenses not covered

6) Payment

The Organizer shall issueand send out the invoice upon the conformation of each application.
Exhibitors shall complete the payment by the deadline indicated in the invoice.

> Payment due date
- Early bird: Wednesday, Apr 30, 2025
- General: Friday, May 30, 2025
Payment method: Bank remittance in the Japanese yen. The payer shall bear the transfer fee.

7) Cancellation and cancellation fee

An Exhibitor must notify the Organizer in writing for partial or full cancellation.
Cancellation fee is applied as below.

(1) Application confirmed date to Jun 9, 2025: 50% of the exhibition fee
(2) On and after July 10, 2025: 100% of the exhibition fee

In the event that an Exhibitor failed to make the payment deadline without any notice, the exhibition agreement shall be considered as cancelled, however the cancellation fee still applies as above.

8) Booth assignment and seminar schedules/locations

The Organizer shall make the assignment in consideration of scale, content, past exhibit, sponsorship, and other related factors. As a general rule, priorities are given to exhibitors who are also event sponsors or with four or more booth units. Other assignment will be determined by lottery during the exhibitor briefing.

9) Prohibition of subleasing, selling, buying, giving away, and exchanging exhibition booths

Exhibitors may not sublease, sell, buy, give away, or exchange booths. No one other than theExhibitor is allowed to utilize the space, unless a special permission is granted by the Organizer.

10) Exhibits and products for sale

Exhibits shall be aligned with the purpose and goal of the exhibition.

Products that infringe intellectual property rights (infringing products), products of which the import, /export, and sale are prohibited (prohibited products), and products manufactured or produced without complying with international treaties or related laws and regulations on the protection of wildlife or human rights  (unethical products) are forbidden. TheOrganizer reserves the right to ask to remove or remove items thereof, as well as revoke the exhibition rights of the exhibitor. In such event, the Organizer shall not be held liable for any damages cause, nor reimbursement of the exhibition fee.

An exhibitor is restricted to display products/services registered and approved by the Organizer. TheOrganizer may require to remove any products /services without pre-approval.

Exhibitors whose main purpose is to conduct on-the-spot sales will be declined.
Furthermore, the sale of prepared food and beverages, including brewed coffee, is strictly prohibited.

11) Disclaimer (booth items)

The Exhibitor is responsible for its own exhibits and decorations during the exhibition, including the setup.
The Organizer shall not beheld liable for any damage, theft, or loss.

12) Payment associated with the use of facilities, equipment and other

The Exhibitor shall follow the instructions in the Exhibitor Manual, and apply in advance in regards to any request of preparation of equipment or services by the Organizer.
The invoice will be sent after the Exhibition. The Exhibitor shall complete the payment by the indicated deadline.

13) Set-up and closing

The Exhibitor shall complete their set-up as it’s stated in the Exhibitor Manual.
The Exhibitor is responsible for removing all decorations, exhibits, etc. and restore the space to its original condition after the exhibition. The Exhibitor ought to compensate for any damage or loss that the Organizer would suffer from due to any delay or items left by the exhibitor.

14) Fire prevention and safety

The Exhibitor shall comply with all laws, regulations, and rules on fire prevention and safety applicable to the exhibition venue.

15) Liability for damage

The Exhibitor is liable to compensate for any damage or loss occurred to the exhibition venue, venue facility, or a third-party and its property, etc., due to the behavior of the exhibitor or its related parties. The Organizer shall not be held liable for any of such compensation.

16) The cancellation and rescheduling of the Exhibition

In the event that any natural disaster or other unforeseen circumstance prevents the exhibition to be held as scheduled, the Organizer reschedule or cancel it. In such case, the exhibition fee along with other incidental fees will not be refunded. The Organizer shall not beheld liable for any damage or loss caused due to the rescheduling or cancellation.

> Response to the impact of the COVID-19 infection on the exhibition
In the event that the exhibition has to be cancelled due to the spread of  COVID-19 or other diseases, as instructed by the government, local authorities, or related organizations, we will provide a full refund after deducting incurred costs.

17) Other

The Japanese version of Exhibition Terms and Conditions shall be the official text and the establishment, coming into force. The Japanese version prevail to the extend that there is any conflict or discrepancy in meaning between the Japanese version and the English translation thereof.

For matters not specified in the Exhibition Terms and Conditions, refer to the rules and instructions in the Exhibitor Manual.

Date Created: 1 March, 2025


-Early bird : Tuesday, April 15, 2025 (SCAJ members and domestic exhibitors only)
-General : Thursday, May 15, 2025

06.Steps for Application

  • The contract will be considered to be concluded upon the application acceptance letter being sent by e-mail. A cancellation fee will be charged for cancellations made thereafter.
  • Co-exhibitors are allowed, however, do refer to requirements and rules for co-exhibiting specified in Section 4 of Exhibit Terms and Conditions.  A designated representative shall be responsible for the application process.
  • Booth locations will primarily be determined during the exhibitors briefing through a lottery system (Selection of desired locations in order of winning).  Please note that the exhibitors briefing will be conducted in Japanese only.  Priority will be given to event sponsors and exhibitors with four or more booth spaces, which will be determined before the exhibitors briefing.